It's been awhile i know dammit!
But im having this sudden urge to blog again,
thanks to this website i found =)
So yea, I'll be posting link to new music =)
which is not suppose to be released,
it's like a leaked website la,
and also new underground bands
YAY! me..-.-'
It will be out soon! ;D
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Malaysian Music Rocks!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
New 09/10 football kits
Friday, June 26, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Taggeded by Shaneeee
What is your name : Eric
2. A four Letter Word : Envy
3. A boy's Name : Eric
4. A girl's Name: Elissa
5. An occupation : Engineer
6. A color : Extra Light Blue
7. Something you'll wear : Ear ring
8. A drink : Egyptian Wine?
9. A food : Escargot (snails)
10. Something found in the bathroom: Earbud?
11. A place : Ecuador
12. A reason for being late : Ear pain (XD)
13. Something you'd shout : Ey Bitch!
14. A movie title : Envy (Jack Black and Ben Stiler) =)
15. A book title : huh?
16. A musical group : Escape the Fate
17. An animal : Elephant
18. A street name : Encik Tun Cheng Lock..XD
19. A type of car : Escalade
20. The title of a song : Everytime I close My eyes..hahaha
I taggie
-Everybody lese larr...
2. A four Letter Word : Envy
3. A boy's Name : Eric
4. A girl's Name: Elissa
5. An occupation : Engineer
6. A color : Extra Light Blue
7. Something you'll wear : Ear ring
8. A drink : Egyptian Wine?
9. A food : Escargot (snails)
10. Something found in the bathroom: Earbud?
11. A place : Ecuador
12. A reason for being late : Ear pain (XD)
13. Something you'd shout : Ey Bitch!
14. A movie title : Envy (Jack Black and Ben Stiler) =)
15. A book title : huh?
16. A musical group : Escape the Fate
17. An animal : Elephant
18. A street name : Encik Tun Cheng Lock..XD
19. A type of car : Escalade
20. The title of a song : Everytime I close My eyes..hahaha
I taggie
-Everybody lese larr...
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Unholy Confessions
And im back, =)
wassup peeps?
been missing awhile now,
been really really busy with college,
but what the hell,life goes on,
hahaha,ok enough of that shit,
so yea im in my forth semester now,
feeling so senior-ish,hahaha
if there is such a word,
the work doesnt get easier,
its all going harder and harder,
but what the heck,
Whos Says Designers Can't Be Rockerstar!
paint some shading shit on a freaking ball,
till next time peace!
Song at the moment
Beastie Boys - Fight For Your Right
wassup peeps?
been missing awhile now,
been really really busy with college,
but what the hell,life goes on,
hahaha,ok enough of that shit,
so yea im in my forth semester now,
feeling so senior-ish,hahaha
if there is such a word,
the work doesnt get easier,
its all going harder and harder,
but what the heck,
Whos Says Designers Can't Be Rockerstar!
paint some shading shit on a freaking ball,
till next time peace!
Song at the moment
Beastie Boys - Fight For Your Right
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Buddy Holly
wassup peeps,
today was fun!
went to church in the morning,
stoned for awhile,
then waited for keith to pyramid,
nat,surain and also naomi,
she wanted to pierce her tongue,
watched movie and now home,
and blogging again..hehhe
so yea think the pictures will be up,
will update soon byee!!
today was fun!
went to church in the morning,
stoned for awhile,
then waited for keith to pyramid,
nat,surain and also naomi,
she wanted to pierce her tongue,
watched movie and now home,
and blogging again..hehhe
so yea think the pictures will be up,
will update soon byee!!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
If You Seek Amy
A code in the lyrics of Britney Spears new song If You Seek Amy??
hahahah i found out what it is..
hahah,this is gonna be dam cool..
the chorus goes like this
"But all the boys and all of the girl's are begging to IF YOU SEEK AMY"
If = F
you = U
seek = C K
Amy = ME
put it together FUCK ME,
so its like "But all the boys and all of the girls are begging to FUCK ME!!
hahahaha horny lil bitch..XD
hahahah i found out what it is..
hahah,this is gonna be dam cool..
the chorus goes like this
"But all the boys and all of the girl's are begging to IF YOU SEEK AMY"
If = F
you = U
seek = C K
Amy = ME
put it together FUCK ME,
so its like "But all the boys and all of the girls are begging to FUCK ME!!
hahahaha horny lil bitch..XD
Friday, April 10, 2009
Swagga Of A Champion
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Boom Boom Pow
home and away,
well Champions League,a whole new story,
Liverpool is good,but not good enough..=)
congratulations on getting to the semi-finals,
better luck next time,another trophy-less season,
life's good,for the first time you'll are second!!
thats the PALING DEKAT you all will get lah,
last nite,awesome performance man,
3-1 is good enough,second leg i predict a 2-0 chelsea win..=)
anyhooo in college now so will blog again tmr! tc peeps!!
Oh yea the flags will be flying again in the final's!
Monday, March 23, 2009

people go to college to learn!
holy S*@% i feel like jumping off a building,
havnt been resting well this past few days,
look terrible,looks sick but im not,
knee still freaking hurts,
i siddenly have a passion for popping!
not good at it but can do lor,=)
back to college,assignments are like water,
flowing like theres no tmr!!
feels sad,things everyone's ditching him these days!
but who gives a fuck countinue with live man,
anyhooo,thanks to some people who made me realize,
and its really plus for me,thanks..
you dont who you are,but yea thanks!
Cupid ft B.OB - 369
Sunday, March 15, 2009
That Day
yo people,whats happening?
aite,so yesterday was awesome i tell you,
so it was the 14 of march,ICC concert,
yea i wasnt in a pj school so i miss all this,
knowing the feeling they had is just awesome,
so yea King's Cross won,lol,was cheering my voice off,
lost my voice i think,but it was worth it,
they were simply awesome everything was,
the dance step,timing communication between the crew,
is just nice and fun to watch,they deserved it!
and after that was One Buck Short!
man it was awesome i tell you,
moshed jumped sang!
then went to MV with the King's Cross =)
cioued around 8,
watched one of the most interesting matches in history,
Manchester United 1-4 Liverpool,
wtf wei! trashing wei..
but who gives a fuck,
chelsea gonna beat man city anyways so yea,=)
so thats about it! Knee still hurts,
but might go to college tmr,
till next time,
Song At The Moment
Abba-Mamma Mia
again congrats to King's Cross and to those who got their spm results!
aite,so yesterday was awesome i tell you,
so it was the 14 of march,ICC concert,
yea i wasnt in a pj school so i miss all this,
knowing the feeling they had is just awesome,
so yea King's Cross won,lol,was cheering my voice off,
lost my voice i think,but it was worth it,
they were simply awesome everything was,
the dance step,timing communication between the crew,
is just nice and fun to watch,they deserved it!
and after that was One Buck Short!
man it was awesome i tell you,
moshed jumped sang!
then went to MV with the King's Cross =)
cioued around 8,
watched one of the most interesting matches in history,
Manchester United 1-4 Liverpool,
wtf wei! trashing wei..
but who gives a fuck,
chelsea gonna beat man city anyways so yea,=)
so thats about it! Knee still hurts,
but might go to college tmr,
till next time,
Song At The Moment
Abba-Mamma Mia
again congrats to King's Cross and to those who got their spm results!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Good Luck Peep's
well the time has come,
the moment i miss very much,
not bragging,but that feeling of fear,
one day before result's,it's awesome,
i know some of you'll have butterflies,
maybe rat's in your stomach,
but it's just a few second's,
go home,get the screwing,
than it's all ok!
so just chill peep's,
the moment i miss very much,
not bragging,but that feeling of fear,
one day before result's,it's awesome,
i know some of you'll have butterflies,
maybe rat's in your stomach,
but it's just a few second's,
go home,get the screwing,
than it's all ok!
so just chill peep's,
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
hello peeps,
it's been awhile,
hahahaha,so this whole time i was not blogging,
stuff happened,=)
funny shit lar,
i twisted my knee..
was walking with the tongkat but now it's aite,
goin to assunta soon for a scan,
dunno whats the injury like,
but yea,no college,=)
anyhooo,wil blog again later,
now eating time,
ciouz take care,
Song At The Moment
Oasis-Stop Crying Your Heart Out
it's been awhile,
hahahaha,so this whole time i was not blogging,
stuff happened,=)
funny shit lar,
i twisted my knee..
was walking with the tongkat but now it's aite,
goin to assunta soon for a scan,
dunno whats the injury like,
but yea,no college,=)
anyhooo,wil blog again later,
now eating time,
ciouz take care,
Song At The Moment
Oasis-Stop Crying Your Heart Out
Monday, February 23, 2009
Cat and Mouse
hello peeps,
im blogging again,
im now updating everyday,
because i think its a good of expressing yourself,
so yea anyhoooo,
everyones asleep now,
what kind of people sleeps at 10.20?
im like the happening one at home lar,
self prasing! hahahahah,
so yea coll was fun,
ended early aswell,
so got home had time to finish my work for the next day,
connection a slut,
no wait a whore!
OMG there's no words to explain the connection!
change my header again.
felt bored yesterday so did lar,
so that's it for today,
will blog again tommorow,
take care peeps!
Song At The Moment
Christina Millian-Us Against The World
im blogging again,
im now updating everyday,
because i think its a good of expressing yourself,
so yea anyhoooo,
everyones asleep now,
what kind of people sleeps at 10.20?
im like the happening one at home lar,
self prasing! hahahahah,
so yea coll was fun,
ended early aswell,
so got home had time to finish my work for the next day,
connection a slut,
no wait a whore!
OMG there's no words to explain the connection!
change my header again.
felt bored yesterday so did lar,
so that's it for today,
will blog again tommorow,
take care peeps!
Song At The Moment
Christina Millian-Us Against The World
Sunday, February 22, 2009
In Too Deep
yo people,wassup?
didn't blog yesterday,
slept freaking early yesterday,
so yea SUNDAY,
Sunday is like day,
when i see all of friend's,
hahaha,the tak mengena also got,
like today,was quite suprise to see steffy in assumption,
oh she goes to sfx btw,
and i saw friends lar,
alot of em',
ok fuck that,today was like any other sunday lor,
hahahaha,went to church then sfx then home then futsal,
macam biasa lar,feel so freaking tired now,
didnt get my beauty sleep AGAIN!
surain was here btw,
ok so this next sentence might sound a lil bit rude,
but i just wanna get it out ok,=)
hahahah,that was fun,=)
so till then adios motherfucker!
didn't blog yesterday,
slept freaking early yesterday,
so yea SUNDAY,
Sunday is like day,
when i see all of friend's,
hahaha,the tak mengena also got,
like today,was quite suprise to see steffy in assumption,
oh she goes to sfx btw,
and i saw friends lar,
alot of em',
ok fuck that,today was like any other sunday lor,
hahahaha,went to church then sfx then home then futsal,
macam biasa lar,feel so freaking tired now,
didnt get my beauty sleep AGAIN!
surain was here btw,
ok so this next sentence might sound a lil bit rude,
but i just wanna get it out ok,=)
hahahah,that was fun,=)
so till then adios motherfucker!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
wanna hear a bullshit?
Eric want's to quit smoking,=)
believe it or not?
what if i really do?
will it change anything?=p
got bored people!
mum and dad just got scam with this astro shit,
now they own like 3 astro acauns,XD
stupid astro idiot,
feel so sleepy,but malas to get up and go,
ok so tmr im gonna stone in college,
friends all decided not to go,
but me,as a good student,
i'll go lar,just for the sake of going,
can't make a desicion,
if i wanna go for Jason Mraz,
come to think about it,
i'll be paying hundreds of bucks,
to listen to one song,
not goin for Sunburst either,
the only confirmed group is N.E.R.D,
and the rest is local band's,
ok gonna go take my beauty sleep now,
take care peep's,
Song At The Moment
James Morrison-You Make It Real For Me =)
Eric want's to quit smoking,=)
believe it or not?
what if i really do?
will it change anything?=p
got bored people!
mum and dad just got scam with this astro shit,
now they own like 3 astro acauns,XD
stupid astro idiot,
feel so sleepy,but malas to get up and go,
ok so tmr im gonna stone in college,
friends all decided not to go,
but me,as a good student,
i'll go lar,just for the sake of going,
can't make a desicion,
if i wanna go for Jason Mraz,
come to think about it,
i'll be paying hundreds of bucks,
to listen to one song,
not goin for Sunburst either,
the only confirmed group is N.E.R.D,
and the rest is local band's,
ok gonna go take my beauty sleep now,
take care peep's,
Song At The Moment
James Morrison-You Make It Real For Me =)
It's me bitches,
well blogging again today,
tried to sleep,but i just can't,
sister's watching bold and the beautiful,
that ancient show,
class ended so god dam early,
started at 12.30 ended at 1.30,
wouldnt have gone if i knew,
everyone's busy online,
don't feel like going to class tmr,
but i'm going to maxwell after that,
bored of HOME,
"Scotty Doesnt Know" is playing in my head,
cool song by the way,
watched The Wrestler just now,
not bad,quite a CHUNTED movie,
hope my fedora's fine,
that manggan took it,
going pasar malam later,
bitch,today's so boring,
well then,
gonna go do something that will not bore me,
which is Playstation of course,=)
till then people,
oh i blogged about eddie's bday,
whichi is today,
so again HAPPY BIRTHDAY bro!
song at the moment
Lustra-Scotty Doesnt know
well blogging again today,
tried to sleep,but i just can't,
sister's watching bold and the beautiful,
that ancient show,
class ended so god dam early,
started at 12.30 ended at 1.30,
wouldnt have gone if i knew,
everyone's busy online,
don't feel like going to class tmr,
but i'm going to maxwell after that,
bored of HOME,
"Scotty Doesnt Know" is playing in my head,
cool song by the way,
watched The Wrestler just now,
not bad,quite a CHUNTED movie,
hope my fedora's fine,
that manggan took it,
going pasar malam later,
bitch,today's so boring,
well then,
gonna go do something that will not bore me,
which is Playstation of course,=)
till then people,
oh i blogged about eddie's bday,
whichi is today,
so again HAPPY BIRTHDAY bro!
song at the moment
Lustra-Scotty Doesnt know
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